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This described design is already old, it was build in 2009 and some of its components may be obsolete today, but main idea of design is very up to date. Main components can be easy updated. More powerful and energy efficient Processors and Motherboards, better Video and Audio, new SSD drives and media readers are coming on the market every year. More and more audio video components becoming more Internet friendly, streaming and sharing digital data with other devices. HTPC Media Server as separate component becoming a main stream of High End Audio Video Entertainment System storing hundreds of High Resolution movies and songs ready to stream it to any portable and home devices. Home Data Bank of Movies and Music is a fact. Anything can be downloaded stored on local media or received as a stream and received as live transmission. Dedicated components for Audio Video used in HTPC creating new higher level of perception totally outclassing regular PC.

HTPC can do more than regular PC. It is an integral part of highest end of Audio Video system and sometimes becoming a Home Audio Video system itself.